Pievtsov Dmytriy.

Citizen of Ukraine. Born in 1971, married.

Mobile phone: +380506481408

e-mail: fighter94@mail.ru

I am searching for a job as a pilot of helicopter. I am interested in any kind of job as a commercial helicopter pilot. I am willing to work anywhere in the world.

1989 - 1991 years - Aviation Training Centre of military air force. Jet plane L-29
1991 - 1994 years - Kremenchug Flight College. Specialty: flight operation of aircraft. Helicopters Mi-2, Mi-8.
2006 - Kremenchug Flight College. Specialty: pilot bachelor.
2007 - Certified Flight Instructor. International Aviation Training Centre, Ukraine.
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (level 4 ICAO).

I am a helicopter pilot with 4990 hrs total time, almost all this time on turbine: Helicopters AW109SP, Mi-2, Mi-8, AK-1-3, R-22; fixed wing L-29, PZL-104 Wilga-35A .
Operational experience as a Captain of the helicopter Mi-2 3800 hours, and as a Capitan of the helicopter AW109SP 237 hours.
Working set of tolerances: Instrumental rating, Selection of landing areas from the air; Cargo and passenger transportation; Airdrop of paratroopers; Patrolling flights of forest fire inspection; Patrolling pipeline and power line; Air spraying of chemicals.
I have an experience of different kinds of flights in Ukraine since 1994. Almost all time as the pilot in command Mi-2.
Currently I am working in Ukraine as helicopter pilot AW109SP for transportation of VIP passengers. Total flight time at AW109SP, is 405 hours.
International experience:
In 2008 - 2009 I was working for the Mi-2, Republic of Iraq in the air company "Skylink Arabia".
In 2009 - 2010 co-pilot of helicopter Mi-8, Republic Afghanistan, in the air company "Aerospace Consortium FZE".
In 2011, pilot-instructor of helicopter Mi-2 in South Korea. In the air company "Yecheon Astro-Space Center".
I performed there: Air Navigation Services of oil pipelines, cargo and passenger transportation, aviation chemical works, aerial photography, Bambi Bucket mission, flights in the mountains and deserts.

More information:
License: I have the license: Ukrainian Airline transport pilot license (helicopter) ICAO ATPL (MEL, IR&VFR). I can get licenses in other countries, if necessary.


Experience in photos.

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